Yo! I'm Cyriel, but you can call me Oliver or V (the names of our vessel) or any other names listed on my pronouns page. I am a host of a fictive-heavy system. Also, I hoard xenogenders, names, pronouns, and other similar identities.
The vessel is 20 years old.
I take commissions! ;]

This is kinda like a more about me page.

I am a gay agender demiboy trans guy who has a complicated identity, partially due to the whole system thing.I am also into self-insert OCs and self-shipping or "waifuism" as it helps me cope with The Horrors. I do not ship myself with characters who are minors.

My favorite color is bright chartreuse green. I'm an INFP.I am an artist and I am taking commissions.Currently, I'm into Supernatural. Yes, the objectively bad TV show everyone was into in the early days of Tumblr.

As for mental illnesses, we have ADHD, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, OSDD-1a, and suspected autism

I used to have frequent delusions of being a dog, wolf, or someone who could transform into one or the other (rarely, both). I don't know if those'll ever return, but please be kind. I'm having to rebuild my identity from square one, and losing that big part of me hasn't helped. Aside from that, I am an angel (cherub), but I refuse to believe it may be a delusion, and I have actual exomemories pertaining to being one. Please do not reality check me, it won't work and it will only irritate me.

I am quite platonically affectionate. If you are ever uncomfy with this, please let me know.

System Info

So, due to the system going through a lot of changes, we're planning on incorporating more details about ourselves into this Carrd.

We are uncomfortable with displaying our member count publicly, but we believe we may be polyfragmented, or whatever an OSDD equivalent may be.

This will lead to a second Carrd or something eventually, but for now, this is what's here.

BYIThis applies to the system as a whole
Please read.

• If this isn't clear, I'm radinclus (not radqueer, as stated further down).• I believe in BLM, land back, and ACAB. I am pro-Palestine. I have anarchist views and am also a feminist (NOT to be confused with radfems/TERFs/"gender critical"s or SWERFs, as I am against those ideologies).• I believe in systems of all kinds and origins, and I believe all trans people on their identity (transness and systemhood obviously aren't the same thing or very comparable, but I feel as if antis and medicalists of both have a lot of ideological overlap). A fair bit of our system is made up from things outside of stress and trauma (although we are traumagenic).• And while I'm on it, detransitioners are valid, too. You tried a thing that either never worked out or can't be continued for whatever reason, and that's okay. You were never the enemy, and neither were we. TERFs turned us against each other, and that fucking sucks.• I believe all kinds of 'kin and alterhuman identities are valid. Even KFF (kin for fun).• I never judge sources for 'kin or system members, and I expect to have that same respect.• I only support identities that are in good faith, like bi lesbian, lesboy, turigirl, multigenders, and whatever else exclusionaries and separatists hate. TransX/TransID/PRATs can never be in good faith, outside possibly being used for those with BIID or POC in adopted families. Transspecies is not TransX/TransID because it came from alterhuman communities and is therefore good faith and valid.• I am less than fond of anything MCYT, especially DSMP, but I'm also not gonna be an asshole about it. I will simply engage minimally with that specific content. I might like cool art posts or whatever, though.• Obviously, I will not tolerate hate towards any marginalized group. This includes aphobia, homophobia, bi/pan/omniphobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and racism.• I'm unfavorably mixed on transandrophobia/transmisandry discourse because I think most people mean anti-transmasculinity when they bring it up. I also think the terms being used now imply an inherent androphobia/misandry, which I don't think is all too great. I also think transmisogyny has a much clearer meaning (it's bigger than just the transphobia + misogyny, it's a bigger concept) than the nebulous transandrophobia/transmisandry, and so transphobia that doesn't fall under transmisogyny should just be called transphobia (or anti-transmasculinity, if applicable). Regardless, I think it's all very important to talk about, and I am going out of my way to learn more on the topic (as shown by how I was once favorable to this discourse).• Obviously, I support MOGAI/LIOM, microlabels and neopronouns.• I am generally uncomfy with proshippers, but I also know that there can be nuance and some people use that kind of stuff to cope. I can't say I get it, but it's not my business. I'm not gonna grill anyone, I'll usually just block. Regardless of reason, I generally don't want to see or consume pedophilic or incestuous ship art.• I am pro paraphilia, I am pro objectum and etc. I wish those who have non-consensual paraphilias (pedo, zoo, necro, etc) love, support, and therapy (if needed, since "therapy" here means whatever actually helps. I am against inhumane shaming, reconditioning, or version therapy). Those with divergent attraction that could be harmful if acted upon are still entirely welcome if they are strictly anti-contact (contact does include consuming media that perpetuates harm, like CP). Obviously, I don't want any folks that are neutral- or pro-contact for any non-consensual paraphilia interacting.• I support all types of regression and believe that negative language like "impure" should be used with caution if used at all by those who are not self-identifying.• I will generally not engage in discourse for my own mental wellbeing, and anyone who tries to drag me into it will be promptly blocked and ignored.• I genuinely believe that, save for some exceptions, friends can be made and maintained despite difference of opinion and ideology. The first step to try this is to not be an ass. Hope this helps <3

Who's Fronting?